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Whether we recognize it or not, we deal with Risk every day.
A “low fuel” indicator in our car lets us to choose whether to go to a gas station immediately or on our way home.
A food package’s “Best Used By” date allows us to decide whether to toss the item or not.
But with COVID-19, officials’ directives are general, vague, and even self-contradictory - focusing on “Group Risk” while Ameri-cans are really more concerned about their own “Individual Risk.”
The COVID-19 Relative Risk Rate Calculator was created by scientists and risk management experts to help everyone determine their own personal level of risk and then manage it!
COVID-19 antibody tests are available through your doctor or county health department. A positive COVID-19 antibody test doesn't guarantee you’re 100% safe but it will tell you if you can contract the disease or give it to someone else.
Just answer the a few questions. Having your COVID-19 Relative Risk Rate is the ONLY way to get your individual information that you need to keep yourself safe, protect your family, and do what’s best for your friends and community.
With your COVID-19 Relative Risk Rate YOU are now in control. Use it to develop your Individualized Personal Action Plan, modify your lifestyle to stay safe and be your most productive at work, home, and play.
Knowledge is power - but it’s a power that grows when it’s shared. Tell your family, friends, and co-workers your Risk Rate - especially if you are at a higher risk - and keep each other safe. And, most of all, share this app with your family, friends, and co-workers - and suggest that they take the test for themselves.